There and back again with WordPress

Well, here I am again writing my latest blog update on WordPress, if you asked me couple of months ago if this would be happening the answer would have been a definite no. Don’t get me wrong using Gatsby and Netlify has been absolutely fine but when it came to making changes for the site, that’s when I hit a wall.

I wanted to customise the design but it dawned on me that I would need to learn react to do this and at this stage I really don’t want to do dig into that. I have been tinkering with WordPress on and off for the last year and have done my research on it. The freelance market for this is huge and there are also plenty of jobs using it as well which leads me to believe learning to build themes and plugins in for WordPress is a sensible idea. I spoke to a local employer last year and they gave me some great suggestion on what to learn so I plan to take that advice along with advice from my mentor and start hacking away on WordPress. My learning check list looks like this:

Basic PHP (including OOP)Basic WordPress theme creationWorking with Laravel and WordPressTheme Development with Sage

I am hoping this chunk of learning will give me more than enough to start knocking some half decent website out. Anyway, I’ll keep you posted on the progress and let you know how I am getting on with it. Speak to you later.