October Update

Well, that time off went rather quickly…. I have now started my second year at university and it’s back to business as usual. I received my result for MU123 and I passed it, I did get a distinction but considering I was dreading this module I am very happy to have passed it.


So, I have started this module now and completed block one as well as handing in the first TMA for it. I’m not going to lie the first weeks’ worth of work was hard going but I am glad to report it’s got a bit easier over the last few weeks. This module covers quite a lot and the Python sections are really interesting. The next block looks at cloud computing which is something that I am looking forward to learning about.

Web Development

Having had a couple of months off from doing any web development stuff I am finally getting back on the wagon, I have loads of things planned so I am really looking forward to adding some new projects from my portfolio.

Well, it’s a bit of a short update all things considered but I have a lot of things to work on, so I’ll speak to you folks next month.