March Update
Well, it looks like the mid-month write prediction came true, mid-month and here I am writing the post. To be honest it has been a steady month with not a lot happening with Uni. I’m still waiting to hear back on the final result for TM111 but that should be announced before the end of April. All things being equal, if I have passed the module, I will then start to apply for next year’s modules.
March was a quiet month for MU123 as well, helped by the week off over the Easter period. Algebra and basic statistics have been the focus this month and to be fair I have really enjoyed this part of the module. This weekend I will be finishing up TMA02 which is due next week, after the success of the first TMA I am feeling more confident about this one.
Elevate Mentorship Program
Honestly, this is worth its weight in gold. I have tried out some React and am now looking into PHP with a view to build some projects in Laravel and WordPress. PHP is a funny one for finding resources and I have already tried a couple which proved less than helpful. I do prefer to learn from books but trying to find one that is current and useful has not been easy. However, I can say that ‘The Net Ninja’s’ stuff is excellent and worth using even though they are video tutorials. I’m picking things relatively well. I’m currently working through the PHP for beginners course and he’s got a Laravel one I’m planning on doing as well. PHP the right way is also useful to use as a reference I found.
Staying Focused
React Native, Flutter, Swift, Kotlin, Unity, Lua Love, Godot & Flask these are all things that I have looked at over the last 6 months and wondering if I should be pursuing careers in these. I am not sure if this is just a trait that I have or if it is down to the anxiety issues that I have or if I just like to self-sabotage. The logic behind the latest wobble is down to my design skills (or lack of) for websites. I just get the feeling this is holding me back and I would be better suited doing something else. This is not the first time that I have fallen into this trap and it is the single reason why I am still an advanced beginner rather than being able to focus on a specific skill and have never got past this stage. However, I am determined to make sure this does not continue to happen, so I have set myself the challenge of building a website/web app that is functional before the end of the year.
Well, that is it for this month, a bit more of an insight into how my mind works, it’s not something that I normally talk about, but I thought it would be good to get this off my chest. Any speak to you next month when I should finally have my TM111 results, fingers crossed for good results!