July Update

It feels like a long time since I last posted and update but here, I am with a roundup of July’s events. July has been a whirlwind month for me to be honest, with continued poor health it’s been exceptionally difficult to balance my workload. I also decided I needed a new challenge work wise. Fortunately, I found another role as a service advisor at a local garage which I was successful in applying for and as I write this, I have just completed my first week there.


I am not going to try and say that this module has been plain sailing for me and I really have found it a real chore to do. If I am being completely honest, I am glad I have done it this year and not next as I think I would have chosen to just finish my studies after this. At the beginning of the month, I was looking at statistics and this was really interesting as it’s something that I have always found fascinating, I then moved on to trigonometry which started off OK but towards the end I was glad to finish it. I also submitted TMA04 meaning that I have only got the EMA (end of module assessment) and one more ICMA (computer marked assessment) to do. I did have a chat with my tutor explaining the issue I have been having and she said I was one of the stronger students in my module and I need to give myself a break and be less critical of myself (something that I have always struggled with).

Elevate Mentorship

I have now finished this program and I have to say the time I spend with the mentor and the career coach was really valuable. If you have a good idea of what career you would like to do and are a student of The Open University then I would highly recommend enrolling on the program. My mentor did offer to continue supporting me after the program but after giving it some thought and looking at my schedule, I didn’t think it was fair to him as I wouldn’t be able to commit 100% to progressing forward.

WordPress Switch

Over the next few weeks, I am going to look at whether I want to continue using WordPress for this blog for what I use it for I don’t think it’s worth paying the hosting fees associated with it. I might have a look at Gatsby again to rebuild the site so I can keep it clean and minimal. I probably write separate post about this once I have made my decision.

Down Time from Studying

I think this is something that is too often overlooked by OU students as we do have a tendency to just focus on studying all the time. Over the last few months, I have noticed that I have fallen into this trap and have come very close to burning out. To address this, I have decided to stop all additional studies and when I have done my OU work for the day that’s it. I have picked up and Xbox Series S and have been enjoying playing Gears of War 5 and Fifa 21 to help me wind down from studying.