Gatsby/NetlifyCMS Migration

I mentioned in a twitter post earlier today that I had checked my managed WordPress hosting bill and the monthly cost had gone up and for what I use it for I couldn’t see the value in it.

I’ve tried other solutions in the past but never really liked the end result Jekyll with GitHub Pages and Netlify and Gridsome, both of which are a perfectly fine solution for most people. The issue came down uploading new content to the blog, having to create a new markdown file, edit it in VS Code and then commit it to GitHub just seems like a lot of hassle for someone as lazy as I am.

Without a better solution I went back to WordPress and continued to use that until I came across this article on freeCodeCamp ’How to Build a Blog with Gatsby and Netlify CMS’. I skimmed through the article and thought it might be worth a try and at worst I’ve tried something new. Well as you can see the process went well and I have moved over the content from WordPress.

I will see how I get on with format and if it’s a winner for me then I’ll look at personalising the site a bit more.