A Reintroduction
So I was browsing through my GitHub the other day and stumbled across a markdown back up of my blog from when I was studying at The Open University. I didn't really give it much though then over the last few days I have been thinking about restarting it as I quite enjoyed writing those posts.
Well just to get you up to speed I have stopped studying at the Open University after I received my certificate of higher education. I decided to stop studying formally as with family, house and work the time commitment was too great. Another major factor was that I finally left the motor trade and went into another industry. One of the main reasons for getting a degree was so that I could leave the motor trade, with that pressure no longer there I decided it was time to take a break from studying.
So what am I into at the moment well its a combination of 3D Printing (3DP) and Python. 3DP has allowed mean to learn a number of new skills CAD modelling (using various packages, slicing and of course the printing side of thing. I have been doing some python project for desktop applications using CustomTkinter. I plan to learn some more about data analysis/visualisation as I would like to do some projects involving rugby union.
Going forward I plan to use this platform to go through any projects that I am working on and maybe share some results. Look forward to speaking to you again soon.